Thank you for your interest
Interested in translating? Get involved! We're seeking volunteers to join 170+ community members who are working to translate the website into 20+ languages. Here's how:

** Follow this invite link to join our project on CrowdIn.

1. You will need to create a CrowdIn account if you don't already have one. Here's documentation on how to use CrowdIn.

2. Find the language and select the document you want to participate in. If translation progress is below 100%, please contribute! Don't see your language listed? Open an issue here.

3. Once you've completed the translation (i.e. all files display 100%), our professional translation service will review (and potentially edit) the content. Once the review is complete (i.e. review progress is 100%), we will add it to the website.

** Do you have any questions?
 Please join our Slack workspace workspace and comment in the #_support channel. Feel free to collaborate with other contributors by joining language channels.
** Join us:

Thank you for your participation in the Translation Program! 🦄
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