2025 Before and After School Survey
This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Please complete by Feb 7.

Since the implementation of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care funding plan (CWELCC), there has been an increased demand for child care services across the Region. This has resulted in waitlists for many programs. This includes those operated by the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB). With a growing waitlist, we need to reflect on:
  • How varied schedules and part-time schedules are impacting the number of full-time spaces available for families
  • How our waitlists are managed
To read more about our current policies visit the Before and After School website

About the Before and After School Survey
The purpose of this survey is to collect input from families on potential policy changes that would impact the before and after school program. We are considering a number of changes, including how families are placed in programs to the type of care schedule options that will be available for families in the future. No decisions have yet been made, so your input will help inform our next steps.

Please reach out to care@wrdsb.ca if you have any questions.
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Where do you live? *
Do you have a child/children that currently attend the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) Extended Day program? *
Do you currently, or have you ever, received support from the Region of Waterloo Child Care Subsidy program to pay for the cost of child care? (Note: Child Care Subsidy is different from the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) program). *
Are you new to Canada? (i.e. less than 2 years)
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Waitlist priority:
Please consider the following options and rank them in order of 1 - 4 (1 = most important).

Keep in mind that certain criteria will impact other criteria. For example, prioritizing existing families will limit spaces for new families. 
Spaces should be offered in priority order of:
Application date and time
Existing families (offer spaces for children already in the program)
Full-time care schedules
Siblings (offering spaces for children with a sibling in the program)
I believe that the WRDSB should prioritize spaces for families that require full time care (note: this may result in fewer part time care spaces); *
I believe that the WRDSB should prioritize making both part time and full time spaces available (note: this may result in fewer full time care spaces); *
How can we make the registration process easier for you? *
Do you have any other questions or comments about the registration process?
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