親愛的貴賓 您好:
歡迎光臨慕舍酒店 ! 渥達尼斯磨坊Molino de Urdániz將為您提供經典西班牙早餐,煩請勾選您所喜愛的早餐選項,餐點以個人套餐呈現,最晚請於用餐日前一天17:00選取餐點內容,如未選填則依主廚建議安排標準套餐呈現。
Meals are presented as a personal set menu. Please select the meal content by 17:00 the day before the reservation date at the latest.
If you don't select it, a standard set meal will be arranged according to the chef's recommendation.
This form is for personal choice. If you are dining with more than one person, please fill out the form again.