Review Your Tractor & Get A Freebie!
Let Siromer know your opinion and receive a free oil or fuel filter.

Submitted reviews may be used on Siromer's website, adverts or other promotional material.

If you would prefer your review to remain anonymous please ensure you tick the check box at the end of the questionnaire.

For a chance to win a full service kit email Siromer a picture of your Siromer tractor or equipment at work and we'll enter you into a prize draw with a 1 in 20 chance of winning!

Please email your pictures to
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Please enter your postcode or tractor serial number into the box below. *
Please enter you name below.
Please use the space below to review your tractor and/or equipment. *
We're interested in your thoughts on the tractors performance, what you use the tractor for, if you've had issues how these were (or weren't) resolved, how you service your tractor and get parts, etc.
Please give your tractor a rating for each of the following categories: *
If the category doesn't apply simply answer NA.
Very Good
Very Poor
Service from Dealer
Service from Siromer
Use the box below to expand on any of the above criteria.
Or just skip to the next question.
If you have ordered spares from Siromer before please rate your experience below. *
Otherwise click NA in each of the rows.
Very Good
Very Bad
Parts Availability
Parts Price
Service Received
Expertise of Staff
Please use the box below to comment or make suggestions on how we can improve our parts service.
As thanks for completing the questionnaire please choose between a free oil or fuel filter. *
A maximum of one filter per registered tractor serial number.
How likely are you to recommend Siromer to a friend? *
Siromer will use the address on our database when dispatching your free filter. If you believe our records may be incorrect please enter your details into the box below.
Otherwise leave the field blank.
Can we use your name on the review? *
Where did you hear about Siromer Tractors?
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