List your AI tool
Complete this form to get an AI tool listed on

This form is reviewed daily. AI tools will be listed at team's sole discretion. 

If you do not see your submission ranked within 5 business days, it means it has either 1) been rejected, or 2) does not have sufficient traffic to be listed. 

If it doesn't have sufficient traffic, we will add it to our database to monitor traffic and when it does, you will see it appear in the rankings.
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AI Tool name *
AI Tool Category

Please look at categories listed on and choose a suitable category. Otherwise put 'Other'
AI Tool Link / URL

Please provide website link. This will be the link that traffic ranking will be determined from.
Email address

In case we need to contact you.
Role at AI Tool

What's your role / are you affiliated with the AI tool you are submitting?
Other information

Do you have any other information you'd like us to know?
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