Advancing social science research on abortion: demographic methods and perspectives workshop
December 6-8, 2023

We are pleased to announce a workshop for graduate students and early-career researchers who are newer to the field of reproductive health and committed to advancing the social science of abortion in the U.S. using demographic methods. 

The target audience for this workshop has a strong quantitative background, some familiarity with demography, and relatively little experience working with abortion data.

The workshop will feature: 
  • training in demographic methods that can be applied to abortion research
  • talks by leading scholars presenting exciting new directions in demographic research on abortion
  • opportunities to engage in scholarly community through a workshop Slack and virtual follow-up meetings where small groups of participants can develop and present research

Space for the workshop is limited. For full consideration, please submit this application by Monday, October 9.

If you have questions, please email
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Email *
Full name *
What university or organization are you affiliated with? *
If you are at a university, what department are you a member of? 
Or, if you work at another type of organization, what field or discipline are you in?
What is your position? *
What portion of the workshop are you most interested in? *
What is your level of familiarity with demographic methods? Please select all that apply. *
If you would like to provide additional information or comments on your familiarity with demographic methods, please feel free to do so here.

What is your level of familiarity with quantitative/statistical methods?  Please select all that apply.

If you would like to provide additional information or comments on your familiarity with quantitative/statistical methods, please feel free to do so here.
What motivates you to study abortion? *
What research questions are you interested in? (It's okay if you are not sure yet.) *
Are you interested in attending the workshop in person? *
We may be able to offer partial financial support to a limited number of in-person workshop participants. Are you interested in this financial support? *
Thank you for your application!
Space for the workshop is limited. We will be in touch with all applicants in mid-October.
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