Wedding Inquiry Form
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Email *
Names of the Couple *
Contact Phone Number *
Best Way to Reach You?
How would you prefer to be contacted during the booking process?
Event date *
Where are you getting married? *
Private Residence or Venue Name or (if unknown) the City and State
Do you have a Wedding Planner?
If so, please provide their name and email so they can be looped in on our communications.
How would you describe your event?
Ex. Rustic Barn Wedding, Classic White Wedding, Wildflower & Natural, Fairy Tale Wedding, Garden Style, etc.
Do you have any favorite flowers you may want to include?
If you have a Pinterest Board, provide a link here. Or any other information about colors/flowers.
Ceremony Florals (check all that apply) *
Reception Florals (check all that apply) *
Do you have a budget? *
Are you interested in renting items for your event?
We have Suits & Tuxedos, Plants, Containers & Vessels, Display Pieces, Candles, Lanterns, Candelabras, and More!
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Are you interested in a pressed/preserved floral shadowbox to commemorate your big day?
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How did you hear about us?
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