Feedback form for the United Comics.
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[1]  What did you enjoy about reading the United comic books?
[2]  Who is your favorite Character so far?
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[3] Why is that character your favorite?
[4] Which character is your least favorite and why?
[5] How did you find the story so far?
[6]  What do you think could be improved upon and why?
[7] Would you like to see the story continue? 

(please say your reasoning)
[8] Are you looking forward to issue 2?
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[9] Do you have both copies of Issue 0 and 1?
[10] Which issue is your favorite and why?
[11] Do you own a copy of the United Colouring Book?
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[12] In the Colouring Book you can colour in drawings, design costumes for the team and create your own characters! Would you like to share them with us?

(if YES please send them via our email address)
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[13] Do you follow us on Social Media?
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[14] Any general feedback? 

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