New Client Intake Form - Therapy 4 Kids
Thank you for your interest in Therapy 4 Kids.

Before we perform an evaluation or provide treatment you must fill out the information below. After we receive the below information our clinic will request a prescription from your child's doctor.

Medicaid - ARkids covers the cost of therapy. If you have another type of insurance you can check out our rates at You will also find our privacy practices and notice there.

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to call or text message us at 501-581-6045.
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Email *
Please fill out the information below
Child's Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Parent / Legal Guardian Name *
Parent / Legal guardian Phone Number *
Parent / Legal Guardian Mailing Address - Street, City & Zip Code *
How did you hear about Therapy 4 Kids? *
Child's Doctor - Primary Care Physician
Child's Insurance *
Is your child currently receiving any of these *
What type of therapy are you requesting *
What are your concerns?
Was your child born full term? *
Has your child ever been hospitalized? If so for what? *
Has your child had tubes placed in ears? If so how many times and at what age?
Any food or other allergies? Please list.
Any history of seizures? If Yes, how many and when? *
Where would you like therapy to happen? *
If you answered Daycare in question above, what is the name of the daycare?
What are your concerns?
Please type your name below giving us permission to evaluate and request paperwork for your child.
The End - As soon as we get the prescription from the doctor we will perform the evaluation. If you already have a prescription let us know. If you have any question please call or text 501.514.3722
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