Article II - Where Are You?
Wy'east UU has the opportunity to send two delegates to the 2024 UUA General Assembly to cast votes on the congregation's behalf regarding the proposed revised Article II of the UUA bylaws (the section that currently contains our principles and sources). Over the course of the last church year, Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx and the Worship Committee have intentionally focused sermons and worship services on the values and inspirations articulated in that proposed language.  

In order to both inform those individuals who will serve as voting delegates and to help Leslie & the Worship Committee prepare for a final look at the proposed revisions, we invite you to share your thoughts, feelings and ideas in this brief survey.

If you want a brief refresher on the content of the proposal, you can review the final proposed Article II language HERE

We have also assembled a resource page for you to learn more about the process and the broader discussion.

Thank you in advance for your input!

Wy'east Worship Committee & Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx
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Your Name (first and last please)

When you think about the proposed Article II being adopted by the congregational and religious professional delegates at the UU General Assembly, how important is it to you as a member of Wy'east?
I do not give this much thought
This is vitally important to me and my sense of myself as a UU
Right now, how would you rate your comfort level with the language of the Proposed Revised Article II? *
I am very uncomfortable. I would prefer to keep the current Article II language
I love it and am excited to embrace it.
Is there anything in particular about the proposed Revised Article II that you are excited by or that you really love?
Is there anything in particular about the proposed Revised Article II that you are concerned about?
How confident are you that you have enough information to give either a thumbs up or a thumbs down to the proposed Article II Revision *
No confidence (I absolutely don't have enough knowledge to make a decision.
Fully Confident (I have all the knowledge I need to cast a vote if asked)
If you expressed less than a 10 on the above confidence scale, can you say more about what knowledge you need?
If the Proposed Revised Article II is adopted at the June 2024 General Assembly, do you imagine you would want to continue to refer to and be inspired by the current 7 Principles in addition to the proposed Values? *
Is there anything else you want to share with the Worship Committee on this topic?
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