QGreenland v3alpha4 feedback
We are excited to announce that QGreenland v3 is well underway. We have published a pre-release (QGreenland v3.0.0alpha4) and we would like your feedback! You can find a full list of current v3 changes in our CHANGELOG.

The deadline for feedback is August 6, 2023. We plan to incorporate your feedback into the final v3 release, scheduled for late August.

Please download the pre-release package here and let us know what you think!
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Have you found any inaccurate or misleading layers? If so, what are they?
Are there layers you think should be visualized differently, and how so? For example, changing a raster layer's colormap or a vector layer's symbols.
Are there any layers you think should be removed from QGreenland? If yes, why?
Are there any layers you think should be added to QGreenland? What layers and why?
What other comments or suggestions do you have for the QGreenland team?
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