Devcon 7 SEA Volunteer Application
Devcon could not happen without a group of dedicated, passionate volunteers helping run the show! Join the volunteer team alongside 200+ other fun, dedicated, passionate members of the community to help put on the best Devcon yet! Fill out the form to apply. We receive many applications each year and unfortunately do not have enough spots for everyone, so put your best effort into the app :)

Volunteer Perks:
  • Free ticket to Devcon!
  • Joining a community of other amazing volunteers.
  • Invitation to the Volunteer Thank You Celebration on Friday, 15th November.
  • Special Volunteer Swag!

Volunteer Expectations

  • Be present in Bangkok from November 9th to the 16th, 2024
  • Volunteer a minimum of 2 days during Devcon, checking in on time for your shifts, and expect to enjoy the event on the other 2 days!!
  • Join the mandatory half-day in-person training session on Sunday, November 10th. 
  • Be willing to assist with all aspects of the event (registration, speakers, door duty, info desk, etc.)

Important Note: By filling out this form you are expressing an intent to participate in the on-site organization and operation of Ethereum Devcon 7 SEA in Bangkok, Thailand. The collected data through this form will be used to verify your identity at Devcon, and to contact you regarding volunteering for Devcon events. Only the organizing team of Devcon will have access to the data - the data won't be shared with any 3rd party.

FAQs for applying to be a volunteer can be found here
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Your Identifiers
In this section, we will ask a few questions to identify you!
Official Full Name

(Please fill this out if you need an invitation letter from the Devcon team to visit Thailand)
Preferred Name *
Email *
What is your T-Shirt Size?

Note: All sizes follow the Asian size chart. The exact swag items are TBD and may not necessarily be t-shirts.
About You
In the next few questions, we'd like to get to know you better, and understand why you care about Devcon, and wish to contribute! Use this space to show us your passion towards the larger Ethereum community!!
What are your motivations behind applying to volunteer at Devcon 7?
What are some of your skillsets and past experiences that you think will be useful in this role? In what tangible ways can they help make Devcon a success?
Have you ever volunteered at a blockchain event before? If so, which one(s)? 
Describe a time when you had to think quickly on your feet to overcome a challenge. How did you handle the situation?
Are you interested in being a Volunteer lead?

Volunteer Leads are responsible for overseeing multiple teams, coordinating volunteer shift schedules, and maintaining communication with other volunteers at the event. This role carries significant responsibility but offers an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your leadership abilities!
Are you interested in social media volunteering roles? If yes, drop the link to your preferred social media profile.
Are you interested in volunteering for Ethereum SEA Day?

Ethereum SEA Day is a 1-day event dedicated to advancing the Ethereum ecosystem in SEA, including talks and workshops for newcomers and showcases for Ethereum communities in SEA. The event will be on November 11th, the day before Devcon, right at QSNCC, the same venue as Devcon. More info here:
If you answered yes to the previous question, are you proficient in reading, writing, and speaking any of the following languages?
Are you from Thailand? If so, which part?
Rate your proficiency in English, speaking, in a scale of 5
Rate your proficiency in English, reading and writing, in a scale of 5
Rate your proficiency in Thai, speaking, in a scale of 5
Rate your proficiency in Thai, reading and writing, in a scale of 5
Optional Questions 

The following questions are for the Devcon team to gauge the diversity of candidates applying to volunteer at the event. Participation is completely optional. Your responses will help us understand the makeup of the Devcon dream team!!

Country of Origin
Your hobbies

What do you like to do for fun outside of work & school?
Other notes?

Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? Use this space! (If not, type 'N/A')

For example: If you're well known in the community, and would like to help us get the word out, now's the time to let us know!
Would you like to be contacted in the future for a chance to volunteer for other Ethereum related events as well?

(We will delete your data one month after the event concludes unless you consent to be contacted for future EF event participation.)
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