If you have a preferred nickname, please provide it here:
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What is your academic major?
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If you have taken any other research-related courses as part your graduate coursework, please list or describe just the most recent here.
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Please provide your time zone. (We will have a geographically dispersed group, so I will try to schedule live Zoom classes at optimal times.)
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Is there anything else you would like Lloyd to know right now?
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Some of Your Favorite Things
One research methodology that we'll be using as part of class activities is Q methodology. To help demonstrate its use, we will have a few sample activities based on some fun, personal topics.
What is one of your favorite vacation spots?
If it is difficult to choose, feel free to list more than one.
Your answer
What is one of your favorite foods or meals?
If it is difficult to choose, feel free to list more than one.
Your answer
I look forward to working with you this summer! Lloyd
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