Better together.  Stronger together.  We are St. George!
Thank you for being a part of our events. We aim to cultivate a culture of feedback and recognition, where all voices are heard and we grow together.  Please use this form to share your constructive input and rave about our successes.  🕊️🙏🏽 Gratefully In Christ

Functions and Use of this form: 
  • This form is set up to track feedback for multiple events, so you may submit this form for each event. 
  • This form collects responses anonymously. You are welcome to include your name and contact information at the bottom. If you do, we may contact you to discuss further.
  • We will use the information gathered to share with our event planners and school leadership as a tool for continuous improvement and celebrating the successes of our community. 
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Choose event: *
Relationship to St. George (select all that apply) *
How did you hear about the event? *
Capacity of your participation in event (select all that apply) *
If you did not attend, you may share why here:
How satisfied were you with the event?
Not Very
Very Much
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How would you rate the overall quality of the event?
Not Very
Very Much
Clear selection
Did this event meet your expectations?
Not Very
Very Much
Clear selection
What were your favorite parts of the event? 
What were your least favorite parts of the event? 
Do you have any suggestions for improving this event in the future?
Volunteers: what was the capacity of your involvement? (select all that apply)
Volunteers: please share your insights. (ie. What worked well? Did you enjoy your position? What do you need to support your volunteerism for future events?)
Attendees: please share your insights. (ie. What brought you to this event? What was it like to experience it? How likely are you to come to events like this again?)
Any other Comments, Ideas, Questions?
First & Last Name (optional)
Email (optional)
Phone Number  (optional)
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us.  We value you being a part of our community, and we look forward to future events with you!

Development Office   

St. George School    
5117 13th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108     
(206) 762-0575    
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