Teacher Feedback 2019 Witness Stones
Please provide comments and suggestions. We welcome and value your feedback as we prepare for next  year.
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1.School *
2. Did the timing of this years project fit into your curriculum scope and sequence ? *
If no, is there a better time of the year that you would like to do this project ?
3.Was the teacher resource material and website useful ? *
Not at all
Very much
What additional teaching material / resources would be useful ?
4.Were the themes of: humanization/dehumanization, profit and the role of institutions maintaining slavery helpful to discuss the institution of slavery ? *
Not at all helpful
Very Helpful
5. Was the introductory lesson where we talked about hard history and context  useful ? *
not at all
very much
Suggestions/ changes for the large introductory lesson :
6. Were the co-taught  lessons in the classroom helpful  in using the research materials? *
not at all
very much
Additional comments about classroom lessons :
7. Were  the student worksheets helpful ? *
Not at all
Very much
Additional comments about student materials :
8. Was there enough Professional development this year ? *
What additional Professional Development would you like next year ?
9. Has this project been a vehicle to talk about race issues ? *
not at all
very much
10. How would you use the Titus Kaphar TED  Talk next year ?
Additional comments about the  public history installation ceremony  :
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