Coaching Questionnaire
Coach Katt here. Thanks for reaching out to me with interest in  coaching. Are you ready to put yourself first and make your health and fitness a priority?

I’d like you to answer the following questions as open and honestly as you can. There will be no judgement from me and I want to insure you have my trust and support. With the information you provide me, we will come up with a customized plan together (yes I want your input too!) that supports your lifestyle and gets you feeling happier and healthier.

I look forward to joining your fitness journey as your coach, your mentor and your guide.

Yours in health,
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What is your name (first and last)? *
How do you like to be contacted? *
Leave your contact information below *
What is your date of birth? *
What is your gender and what pronouns do you prefer? Please select all that apply *
What is your occupation? *
What is your favourite way to stay active? Or if you've got a pretty good relationship with your couch, how do you spend your spare time? *
What music gets you excited about life? *
If you could have a conversation with anyone from the past, present or even future who would it be and why? *
What is your absolute favourite food? (Hands down sushi for me!) *
Time for me to get more info on your exercise and health history (I know, not as fun to answer!)
Do you have access to a fitness facility? *
Do you have access to exercise equipment at home? Include what you have available.
In broad terms, what kind of health and fitness goals do you have for yourself? Check all that apply. *
Please elaborate on those goals with a brief description of your specific goals? *
Do you have any health conditions that affect how you eat and/or exercise? Provide as much detail as possible or you feel is necessary. *
Do you have any injuries or exercise limitations? List them below. *
Give a general summary of your current exercise program or routine.
Do you want to improve or adjust your nutrition? If you answer yes, a separate questionnaire will be sent to gather more details. *
If you could see your life a year from now, what would it look like? How would it be different from your life today? *
What is the biggest obstacle holding you back? *
Why did you choose to apply to my coaching program? *
Have you worked with a trainer or a coach before? If yes, describe your experience. *
If you could create your ideal coach, what would they look like? (not physically but personality and qualities!) *
Are you ready, willing and able to invest time, money and hard work to reach your goals? *
On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to reaching your goals? With 1 being "Can I just stay on the couch?" to 10 being "Can we start right now?" *
My 1-1 coaching starts at $300/month. Are you willing and able to make that investment right now? *
If we determine that my coaching is the right fit for you, can I celebrate your wins on social media? *
Lastly, do you have any questions for me? *
The information above is true, to the best of my knowledge. Please write your name as an e-signature. *
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