Signup for TestFlight
Over the next few weeks, we will begin inviting people to TestFlight to try early builds of Godot for iPad.  Use this form to be considered for inclusion during the private beta period.

Please provide the email address associated with your Apple / TestFlight account.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
With which of these game engines do you have experience?
What Godot assets/addons do you use in your project?
Does your project currently target mobile (iPhone/iPad/Android)? *
On which platforms do you publish / intend to publish your projects?
Which of these tools do you use in game development?
Which of these iPad apps do you use?
Can you share a bit about what kind of game you'd like to develop with Godot for iPad?
Anything else you'd like to share or ask?
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