Temple Basin Winter Booking Form
Welcome to the 2024 Season!
We aim to have Temple Basin open from late July, or from when the snowpack allows.
We have a lot of exciting events coming up this year too: 
- 27 July, Fraser Ross Live (bring your parents, free music). 
17th August, DJ night (sparkles and fur). Come up for a boogie! $20 ($10 student)
- 31st August, Splitfest!!! DJs and Spotprizes. $20 ($10 student)
- 7th Sept the Black Seeds Saxophone Maestro, Matthew Benton, with DJ Colin McKean. (Tropicool theme). $20 ($10 student)

If you have any additional questions, or for big groups, please email bookings@templebasin.co.nz 

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I wish to book: *
I wish to stay for *
Please select your month *
What date are you arriving? *
Two-for-One Accommodation Voucher Code
I wish to add more people to my booking *
Will you be attending Splitfest? (August 31st - September 2nd)
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