2024-2025 Executive Board Nominations
The officers of this organization are as follows:

President: The President assumes a central role in our organization, encompassing the oversight of our club's mission statement and the meticulous coordination of GBMs (General Body Meetings). They shoulder the pivotal responsibility of managing the re-registration process, securing the club's continued recognition within the university community. Additionally, the President presides over e-board meetings, cultivating an atmosphere conducive to collaboration and strategic discourse among board members. Their unwavering dedication extends to ensuring each board member effectively fulfills their obligations. To remain well-informed and engaged with the broader university community, the President prioritizes attendance at both T&I (Transportation & Infrastructure) and SGA (Student Government Association) GBMs. Furthermore, they assume a leadership role during GBMs and all other organizational meetings, fostering a cohesive and productive atmosphere for all members.

Vice President: The Vice President plays a pivotal role in our organization's operations, actively assisting the President in running GBMs and e-board meetings. They serve as a vital link, maintaining effective communication between graduate and undergraduate members. Additionally, the Vice-President takes on secretarial duties, collaborating closely with the President to craft meeting agendas, document meeting minutes, secure meeting venues, and coordinate schedules as needed.

Treasurer: The Treasurer assumes responsibility for the organization's financial health, overseeing the budget and managing the club's bank account. Regularly reporting financial updates to both the External and Internal Presidents, the Treasurer engages in brainstorming innovative fundraising strategies for the club and occasionally lends support to the President of Internal Affairs. Moreover, the Treasurer takes charge of the crucial task of applying for SGA (Student Government Association) funding and commits to participating in a virtual Budget Training Workshop, accessible on the SGA ELMS page.

Student Governance Liaison: The Student Governance Liaison fulfills a crucial role representing our organization within the university's governance structures. This encompasses attending SGA T&I (Transportation & Infrastructure) Meetings and maintaining open communication with the director of these meetings. Whenever feasible, the liaison also attends SGA GBMs (General Body Meetings). Furthermore, they establish and sustain dialogues with key figures, including the Transportation Coordinator of the Residence Hall Association and the Graduate Student Government. Their insights are invaluable in advising on legislative matters affecting both committees and offering essential perspectives on university governance.

Social Media Director: Possessing exceptional written communication skills, the Social Media Director takes on the primary responsibility of crafting engaging content for our organization's Instagram page. This content serves to spotlight the advocacy work undertaken by the club and draw attention to University initiatives that either bolster or hinder our mission.

Community Outreach Coordinator: The Community Outreach Coordinator role necessitates strong verbal communication skills. This coordinator serves as the crucial link to neighboring communities, actively participating in City Council meetings in College Park, reviewing Terps for Bike Lanes efforts on campus, and staying informed about city initiatives. Additionally, the role entails engagement with other neighboring communities such as Hyattsville, Riverdale Park, Berwyn Heights, Greenbelt, and more as needed to support infrastructure development that fosters connections between communities and the campus. Finally, the Community Outreach Coordinator takes part in pertinent meetings at the County and State levels related to bicycle infrastructure, such as the quarterly PG County Active Transportation Advisory Group meetings.

Secretary: This multifaceted role encompasses both technical expertise and administrative responsibilities within the organization. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining our organization's IT infrastructure, ensuring seamless technological operations. This encompasses oversight of git via GitHub, management of command line interfaces, and the seamless transition of documents from Google Drive to a MediaWiki instance. In addition to these technical duties, the Secretary collaborates closely with the President to create meeting agendas, document meeting minutes, secure meeting venues, and coordinate schedules as necessary, serving as a pivotal contributor to the organization's administrative functions. This role presents a unique opportunity to showcase technical prowess, leadership skills, and organizational acumen.

Campus Affairs Coordinator: The Campus Affairs Coordinator occupies a pivotal role within our organization, with a specific focus on advancing the cause of bicycle infrastructure and promoting sustainable transportation across our campus. The position involves active engagement with students, faculty, and administration, advocating for improved biking facilities and fostering a culture of cycling. The coordinator works closely with the Terps For Bike Lanes team to plan and execute events, campaigns, and initiatives aimed at enhancing biking infrastructure, safety, and awareness on campus. This role represents an exciting opportunity to make a significant impact on the campus community by facilitating sustainable and eco-friendly transportation options while actively contributing to the creation of a more bike-friendly campus environment.

The officers collectively form an executive committee tasked with shaping the club's direction and managing its administrative affairs. The process for officer removal is determined by the remainder of the leadership team, requiring a ⅔ majority vote for removal. Reasons for officer removal may include failure to fulfill their office duties or engaging in egregious behavior. Vacant officer positions may be filled at any point during the school year. An announcement of the new candidate will be made, and one week later, if no other candidate expresses interest, the position will be automatically filled by the proposed candidate. In the event that multiple candidates express interest and cannot all be accommodated, an election will be conducted. The creation of new positions within the executive board is subject to approval by the executive board itself, including the appointment of proposal team leads.
Full Name
School Email *
Personal Email (if wish to share/not required)
Are you a registered member of Terps for Bike Lanes on TerpLink? *
Note: You do not need to be registered on TerpLink at this moment. Within 2-3 days after you submit this form you will be invited to join on TerpLink. You must accept the invite if you want to remain on the Ballot.
Are you a undergraduate or graduate student? (BOTH ARE ELIGIBLE)
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