GRP Convention 2020 Officer Candidate Application.
Do you have the skills, time and enthusiasm to serve as an officer, director or National Committee delegate for the Green-Rainbow Party? Please fill out this form and submit by September 9, 2020. This information will be displayed on the GRP Nomination Form that GRP Members will sign to get you on the Convention 2020 Ballot. If at least 10 GRP Members nominate you, you are on the GRP Convention Ballot!
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Email *
Name, as registered. *
Street Address (The address you are registered to vote at). *
City / Town in Massachusetts (The address you are registered to vote at) *
ZIP code (The address you are registered to vote at) *
Phone number *
I am: *
Which position(s) are you running for? *
Brief statement (1000 characters or less) re who you are and why you are running for this position.
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