Skeleton Trivia for Wednesday, September 25th
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Time for a homebuildin’ question, youse guys!

Did ya ever do work on a masonry buildin’? If so, maybe ya can tell me what’s the finishin’ step called that happens when ya fix up the external parts of the mortar between the bricks? This is also what folks’ll call it when ya redo the mortar for a buildin’, like after it degrades over time due to water damage or cracks or what-have-ya.

Time for a card game question!

Didja ever play Hearts? I gotta say that, for a long time, I never did myself. It always seemed like, why do I need to play a game called Hearts when I’ve obviously got a perfectly good an’ definitely existant heart a’ my own beatin’ away in my thoracic cage?

But so then I got one a’ those Windows computers an’ maybe ya remember how Hearts was included by like I guess default on it? So I ended up cavin’, an’ I’m a li’l ashamed to say I probably played the game more ’n was entirely healthy. Like, I think there’s a month or two in 1996 that’s basically lost to time for me.

BUT SO ANYWAYS, what’s it called if ya manage to collect ALL the penalty cards in a single round a’ Hearts?

Now, despite how that might sound, it’s actually a really good thing in the game, ’cause it means that everyone ELSE’S gets the penalty an’ YOU get away scot-free! I can’t say for certain where the phrase came from, but my assumption’s that it’s to do with how it’s a “go big or go home” type a’ strategy, since if ya don’t succeed ya probably end up stuck with a whole lot a’ points ya really don’t want.

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