Statewide UAS Resource List
If you do not have a UAS Program, please do not respond.

The Public Safety UAS Coalition  made up of Public Safety Unmanned Response Team's (PSURTs)  around the State  are working on a Statewide Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) certification and qualification program best practices for public safety agencies. Attached is a survey that gives us a snapshot of your UAS program and will aid in demonstrating the need for a Statewide program. Please respond to the survey no later than March 22nd, 2019. Any further questions, please email Travis Calendine at
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Contact Number: *
Jurisdiction: City/County: *
Public Safety Entity *
Part 107 *
How long has your UAS program existed? *
The scale of the program? How may UAS Pilots: *
UAS Program Manager *
UAS Program Funding Sources *
Type and Number of UAS in your program. *
Any issues or concerns you would like to see addressed by the working group (i.e., Command, communication, training, and program management)?  Please describe other if slected.
Comments: Add any additional information.
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