Nazareth Farm Spring Break Alternative * Sunday, March 15-Saturday, March 21, 2020
Nazareth Farm in Center Point, WV is dedicated to addressing substandard housing in their region of Appalachia by providing home repair with the help of volunteers. The cornerstones of Community, Simplicity, Prayer, and Service are at the heart of their response to the needs of those around them and are central to their work in living out the gospel message. While in WV for the week we will have the opportunity to meet college students from other schools, to work on home repair projects, to meet directly with the people we are helping, to reflect on what we are doing in light of the gospel call and our own spirituality, and to enjoy the beauty of the Appalachian culture and landscape.

We can take 6 students along. We are asking each student to contribute $275 to the cost of the trip. This amount is due by November 15 and includes your participant fee for Nazareth Farm. In addition we will be doing some fundraising to help defray the cost of transportation to and from Nazareth Farm. All participants will be required to participate in both fund-raising and in at least three preparatory meetings prior to the trip,  time and place to be determined.

If this opportunity is of interest to you, please fill out the form below and submit by November 13.  
If you have questions which you would like answered before applying please contact Amy Cady at

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First Name *
Last name *
E-Mail *
Phone *
Salve Student ID# *
Please list your major(s) and minor(s): *
Home or School Address *
(Where you currently reside.)
If you live on campus, please list your residence hall and room number. *
I am a: *
Mark only one oval.
Have you participated in a mission trip before? *
Mark only one oval.
Do you have any food allergies? *
If no, write "No". If yes, please list below
Emergency Contact Information *
Please list the name and contact information for nearest friend or family member.
Why are you interested in the Alternative Spring Break to Nazareth Farm? *
What are you hoping to learn or experience from this opportunity? How will you share your experience with the Salve community when you return? *
Please write 4-8 sentences. Be authentic and thoughtful in your response.
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