Trouble with utilities in NE Ohio?
The Northeast Ohio Solutions Journalism Collaborative is working on stories about utility bills and the coronavirus pandemic. We want to hear about how people are dealing with the end of moratoriums.

Do you have a large bill that's built up during the last year? Are you struggling to pay it? Who are you turning to for help? Have you been able to get assistance?

We want to hear from you. Questions? Contact reporter Conor Morris,
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Where do you live? *
Which utility bills are you struggling to pay? *
Where have you tried to get help? When?
About how much do you owe on your utility bills currently?
Have you gotten a shut off or disconnection notice?
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If you've had trouble getting utility assistance aid, like from PIPP, HEAP or from your county, what has been the biggest problem?
What struggles have you had during the pandemic? Lost job? Got sick? Furloughed? Caring for children?
Would you be willing to talk to us so we can better understand this problem? Leave your name and phone number or email in the space below so we can contact you.
Is there anything you've learned from navigating these aid systems that you'd likes to share with others?
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