Are You Interested in MDF Clothing & Activewear?
After the incredible outpouring of support and interest in his MDF Bike Jersey at the annual Seattle to Portland Bike Ride, community member Luke Bolt is working to keep up the momentum with MDF branded activewear – and we want your help designing it! (Read about Luke and his family at

Did you know that movement can improve both the physical and mental well-being of persons with myotonic dystrophy? MDF wants to help you move -- whether that looks like walking, biking, swimming, chair-yoga or dancing, or something else entirely for you. (Learn more about exercise & movement with myotonic dystrophy in our recent Ask-the-Expert webinar:

Our hope is to unify, inspire, and encourage the international DM community while raising awareness with branded apparel. Want to join us? We're in the planning stages and are seeking input - let us know what you think!
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Our team needs a name! What would you like to see on our MDF branded activewear? (Choose up to 2.)
What is your relationship to myotonic dystrophy?
What type of items would you, your family, friends, caregivers, or support team be interesed in? (Select all that apply or add your own ideas at the bottom.)
Add your email if you would like to be notified if any of these products become available.
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