Incredible Women of Northborough

The Northboro Junior Woman’s Club (NJWC) invites you to celebrate our five decades of service by honoring five Northborough women who have dedicated their time, energy, and resources to making Northborough a better place. Please help us recognize these inspiring women by nominating someone you believe has made an extraordinary impact in our community. Please note that members of NJWC will not be considered for nomination.

The five women selected, along with their family and friends, will be honored at a reception hosted by NJWC on March 16, 2025.

Submission Deadline: February 17, 2025

Thank you for helping us celebrate the women who make Northborough an incredible place to live! If you have any questions, please contact Martha Michalewich at or 774-258-0867.
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Your Name *
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Your Contact number *
Nominee Name  *
Nominee Address  *
Nominee Phone Number  *
Nominee email address *

Please describe how the nominee has positively impacted Northborough.
Provide specific examples of her contributions, initiatives, or volunteer work.


What qualities make this nominee a role model or leader within our community?
Consider her character, dedication, leadership, and impact she has on those around her.


How has the nominee demonstrated a commitment to community improvement and service?
Include any specific projects, groups, or volunteer efforts she has been involved with.


Additional Information
Please share any other relevant details about the nominee’s contributions, accomplishments, or personal qualities that you feel should be considered.

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