Course Evaluation Form
We are continually trying to improve our program. We want to know what you thought of the Adult Ed class you took and what classes you would like to see in the future. We also appreciate any comments you would like to add. This information helps us and our teachers improve the learning experiences we deliver.
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Email *
Name of the course that you took *
Instructor's name *
The date of the class *
Please rate how you feel about this statement: “This course met my expectations and learning objectives.”
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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If you selected a ranking of 1 or 2 above, please tell us why.
Is there any advice you would like to offer the instructor so that he or she could make the course even better?  If yes, please amplify.
Are there other courses you would like to see offered in the future?
Are there any courses that you would like to TEACH in the future? (If yes be sure to give us your NAME AND PHONE NUMBER)
How did you hear about this course?*
Any additional comments?
If you would not mind being contacted about your responses, please provide your name and email address.
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