Elsevier ISMKI 2024 student reviewers sign-up and survey
We are recruiting student reviewers for two reviewing processes of our Bahasa Indonesia books: (1) Pre-publication review; (2) Post publication review. The pre-publication review is a collaboration with ISMKI whereby your name will be acknowledged in the book.
Elsevier will make the selection based on your inputs in this survey.
Please complete the survey questions in Bahasa or English, you will be able to sign up at the end of the survey.
Terima kasih!
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Name: *
University *
Semester *
Which anatomy atlas are you using now? (tick all atlases that you own) *
Are you aware of the free online e-resources that comes with our atlas? *
For example, Elsevier eBooks+ from Robbins Patologi, Guyton & Hall Fisiologi, Abrahams & McMinn Anatomi atlas?
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