Report an Absence
Parents/Guardians, we realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances.  We also know that when students miss too much school, regardless of the reason, it can cause them to fall behind academically.  Your child is less likely to succeed if he or she is chronically absent which means missing 15 or more days over the course of an entire school year.

Refer to the School Attendance Policy on the Moanalua Elementary School website for excused & unexcused absences.  As a reminder, students have to be in school or on a school-related activity for a minimum of 3 hours (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) or 2.5 hours (Wednesday) to be marked “present” for the day.  If present for less than half of the school day, the student will be marked “absent.”  

NOTE:  For unexcused absence or any absence not reported by 8:30 am, parents/guardians will receive an automated call from the school by 9:30 am informing you of your child's absence.  If you already reported the absence online or to the office, please disregard the message.

Please complete this form to report your child's absence from school.
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Email *
Name of Parent/Guardian Reporting Absence (First & Last Name): *
Contact Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx): *
Student's LAST NAME: *
Student's FIRST NAME: *
Grade: *
Teacher's Name & Homeroom:
Reason for Absence: *
If you select "Illness" above, please list symptoms:
If you select "Trip/Vacation" above, please list dates your child will be absent from school:
NOTE: Homework will not be assigned ahead of time. Please request make-up work upon your child's return to school.
If you select "Other" above, please explain:
Additional Information:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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