11/15 Shut Down APEC! Mobilization RSVP
Thank you for mobilizing with us to shut down APEC! Together we can fight back against APEC and its devastating impacts on our global neighbors, workers, the climate, as well as the militarization and displacement it is bringing to San Francisco. 

Please fill out the information below to confirm your attendance and receive the latest updates.
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Organization or Community Group (if applicable)
I am RSVPing on behalf of my organization or community group for the 11/15 action.  *
If RSVPing on behalf of others in an organization or community group, how many members will attend the 11/15 action?
I or a representative from my community group/org can attend
How did you find out about this? Name of person/org/announcement?
Do you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of? 
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