A joint letter to administration

On the afternoon of 2/15/2021, the S.L.A.M. Coalition (SNMA, LMSA, APAMSA, MSPA) at TUSOM officially endorsed this petition written by a student with preliminary demands in response to Dr. Dennar's suspension. In the following days, we have heard from residents, faculty, and alumni who have detailed their own experiences of discrimination at Tulane. In response to these conversations, we have written an expanded version of demands that we believe will help our institution move forward in this pivotal moment of change.
As the S.L.A.M Coalition, we understand the ways in which our current policies and procedures purport to support those who experience discrimination but often fail to protect our students, trainees and staff of color. The statements below speak to a culture of institutionalized racism at Tulane that has repeatedly failed us. It is our position, as the S.L.A.M Coalition, that our institution can do better and that we can help move our institution forward by implementing these expanded changes. For all of these reasons, we have updated the original petition to include the demands listed below and hope that you will sign on to this letter if you agree.
These expanded demands were made in response to the following statements:
PGY3 Letter: https://slamtusom.wordpress.com/statement-from-pgy3-at-tulane/ 
Tulane Resident Support Letter: https://slamtusom.wordpress.com/tulane-resident-support-letter/
Tulane Alumni Letter: https://slamtusom.wordpress.com/statement-from-tulane-alumni/
Med-Peds Alumni Letter: https://slamtusom.wordpress.com/letter-from-med-peds-alumni/

Please find our website here, which we will continue to update with all statements from all parties: https://slamtusom.wordpress.com/

The S.L.A.M. Coalition is open to answering questions and receiving your correspondence at slam.tusom@gmail.com.

Thank you all for your time, and we remain in solidarity with our community.

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To seek Justice for Dr. Dennar:
       Conduct a transparent and truly independent investigation into the policies and procedures leading up to the termination of Dr. Dennar’s position as Program Director.  This should include an investigation of the special review process and ensuing report. We recommend the investigation be conducted by an external entity selected with input from a diverse body of individuals, that includes representation for students, residents, and faculty. This process must include clear mechanisms for following through on any findings or recommendations made by the third-party.
       Dr. Dennar should be compensated in accordance with the demands of her lawsuit, as a result of the 13 years of abuse she endured. She should be restored to a position as full, acting Program Director of Medicine-Pediatrics pending the results of the aforementioned independent investigation.

To change the leadership at the School of Medicine:
       Suspension without pay of Dean Hamm and Dr. Wiese during the investigation. Pending the results of the investigation, we demand a restructuring of leadership at the highest levels of the Medical School, specifically the Dean’s office and the Dean of GME, with a priority given to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) for leadership roles.
       We also demand the instatement of a Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion whose primary focus will be to oversee all the aforementioned efforts. We demand sufficient funding and power be provided to ensure that this new Dean is able to enact meaningful change.  We demand that students and trainees have representation on the committee that hires a new candidate for this position.
       In the office of the Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion we demand the employment of a full-time faculty/staff member dedicated to the curricular reform laid out by the recommendations of the Racial and Social Justice Medical Education group (RSJME).

To institute a transparent recruiting and hiring process that includes both students and residents:
       This hiring process should extend to all levels, including for the Dean of the School of Medicine,  the Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education and the Designated Institutional Official positions; as well as the continuation of this process for all future faculty and administrative positions. These positions should be filled by those historically excluded from these positions in medicine such as Black and Indigenous people, queer and trans people and disabled people.
       The review must be performed free from influence by Tulane administration, must include resident representation as chosen by each residency program, and the results and recommendations from the review should be made public, in the pursuit of transparency.

To create a new oversight committee for the purpose of holding our institutional leaders, at all levels, accountable. This committee would include both students and trainees, tasked to but not be limited to:
       Enforcing university standards. Just as students must pass exams and complete assignments in order to graduate, so too must faculty and administrators be constantly learning and demonstrating their competencies, particularly as they relate to justice.  
       Offering recommendations for the creation of an independent system of accountability that is empowered to review complaints, investigate them, and, when founded, execute clear and transparent disciplinary action focused on holding accountable those who commit micro (and macro) aggressions and other acts of individual or systemic racism.

To dismantle and replace the current professionalism and misconduct reporting system at TUSOM:
       A complete overhaul of the professionalism misconduct reporting system at the school of medicine and Tulane hospital that gives emphasis to the victim and includes safeguards from retaliation. We demand that this system be based on principles of transformative or restorative justice (as pioneered by other institutions) that seek to change the conditions in which harm occurs. We know that punitive measures are part of white supremacy, patriarchy and classism and we seek to create alternatives that examine the roots of harm.
       We demand transparency for all previous reporting systems. We ask for a database made available by request with all prior decisions made by the GMEC, including who was selected to be a representative on each committee.

To reallocate funding to prioritize investment in underrepresented communities:
       We demand more financial investment, recruitment, and retention of students from the Black, Brown, Queer, and Trans communities within the GNO area for Tulane programs at all levels. We demand support, funding, and established plans to ensure people from the GNO communities are able to afford a high-quality undergraduate or medical education at Tulane, if they so choose.
       We ask for equitable, livable wages for all residents, faculty, and support staff at TUSOM, focusing specifically on closing existing wage gaps and promoting people from underrepresented backgrounds.

To protect all members of our community from retaliation for reporting violations, calling for accountability, and acts of protest:
       We demand the enactment of policy that will protect all victims of racism and discrimination from retaliation when they come forward to report abuse. We also call for protection for demonstrations and for calling for institutional accountability. Even coming forward to you, with this letter, caused concern for many of our community members, who anticipated punishment and the theft of their careers. They signed on despite this. That we could in any way foster and perpetuate a culture that allows fear of retaliation is egregious, and demands immediate remedy.

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