Apply for 611 Number - activate the function to make an offering

Your 611 Number is your Offering Number. If you have not got any 611 Number, we will assign one to you and inform you by e-mail or call. If you already got your 611 Number, we will activate the function to make an offering.
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中文姓名 Chinese Name *
同身份證明文件 Same as your proof of identity (If no Chinese Name,  please go to fill in English name.)
英文姓氏 Surname
同身份證明文件 Same as your proof of identity
英文名 Given Name
同身份證明文件 Same as your proof of identity
性別 Gender *
我們會將您的611編號傳送到您的E-mail We will send your 611 Number to this mailbox by e-mail
通訊地址 Postal Address
手提電話 Contact No. *
Your 611 Number is your Offering Number. If you have not got any 611 Number, we will assign one to you and inform you by e-mail or call. If you already got your 611 Number, we will activate the function to make an offering.
611編號 611 Number
 若已有611編號只是尚未開通奉獻功能,請在此提供。If you already got your 611 Number, please fill it here, and we will activate the function to make an offering for you. 若尚未有611編號,可跳過此項。
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重要訊息 Important
根據《個人資料(私隱) 條例》,我在呈交申請表格時,同時准許611靈糧堂有限公司收集,使用並披露我的個人資料,作為辦理奉獻和捐款事宜之用途。更多了解我們的<私隱政策> https://church611.org/personal-data-collection-policy/
All donations to 611BOL Church are voluntary and non-refundable.
Donations will be used to support the mission and various activities of the Church including the Church’s Building Fund. This fund is dedicated for the acquisition, construction, development, maintenance, lease and use of buildings and other real estate including the rental or purchase of equipment and furnishings, fees of service providers, licence fees, rental and building management fees for the activities of the Church.
本人聲明及確認,據本人所知所信,此申請表格內提供一切資料,均屬真實、準確及完全。本人確認,本人已細閱及明白本文列載的條款及細則,以及(私隱) 條例的個人資料收集通知。I declare and acknowledge, to the best of my knowledge, all the information provided in this application form is true, accurate and complete. I confirm that I have read through and understand the terms and conditions listed here, and also the Personal Information Collection Statement. *
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