Apply here to become a Listing Agent with Nova Exchange.
Apart from having an interest in crypto, and knowledge of how it all works, a good attitude and good connections in the crypto community are the most important features of a listing agent.

Fill out the form and we will get back to you. Go crypto!
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Your Full Name *
Your Gender *
Your Age *
Your Nationality/Citizenship *
Your Current Location - City & Country *
Your location is located in what part of the world? *
Your Current Occupation *
Your Phone number *
Your Email *
Your Nova account email address (can be same as above)
Your reason for wanting to become a listing agent? *
Where did you first hear about Nova? *
As a Listing Agent, how much time would you be able to commit per week? *
Do you have some relevant work experience in the blocktech/crypto field? *
What languages do you speak? *
Are you in a position to maintain contacts with your local media outlets related to blocktech and cryptocurrency issues that apply to Nova Exchange and assets to be listed? *
Are you enrolled or signed up with any other crypto communities/groups or services? *
Please paste a link to a personal social media account with an open profile. (ex. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin) *
Before becoming a Listing Agent you will be requested to submit some personal information in a KYC (Know Your Customer) form. Will you agree to this? *
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