2023-2024 School Year Title I Stakeholder Survey - Albert J. Murphy Jr. HIGH SCHOOL
Albert J. Murphy Jr. High School receives federal Title I funds to support our school and particular programs in our district intended to impact overall student growth and academic success. The Jr. High represents 7th and 8th grade students. The 2023-2024 Title I plan is currently being developed, and we are seeking stakeholder feedback valuable in the planning process for use of Title I funds.

Stakeholders include teachers, staff, administrators, our students and their parents/family, and even community members who lend us local support; together we all support the success of every student that we serve at all of our Title I school.

Please complete the online survey below so we can use your feedback to shape our plans for investing the Title I funds to be used at this school during the 2023-2024 school year. You will review the main initiatives our school currently supports with federal Title I funds and provide your opinions; space is available to share additional suggestions as well. All responses are anonymous.

Which stakeholder group do you represent? Please select one.*

Please review these main efforts of the overall Title I program. Rank how important each initiative is to the success of the Jr. High School by selecting from 1 through 7 with 1 being the most important and 7 being the least important.
Provide additional teacher assistants to support students, teachers and /or parents.
Hire additional staff to support student success.
Support Parent Involvement/Family Engagement activities
Provide professional development/training for teachers, teacher assistants, administrators and parents.
Provide additional tutorial services to students who have the greatest needs.
Provide/upgrade technology (computers, smart devices, equipment and software) to enhance personalized student learning.
Purchase educational materials and supplies for students and teachers.
Please share any comments/feedback regarding the main Title I initiatives for the 2023-2024 school year as outlined above, and/or provide ideas or suggestions about any other possible focus areas our Jr. High School should consider when allocating Title I funds to improve academic achievement for students.
Overall, the Jr. High's environment makes parents/families feel welcome and comfortable when visiting the school.
School Communication is provided in a language I can understand and/or a translator is provided when needed.
Parent/family events are planned at different times of the day/week to give all parents/families a chance to participate.
 I prefer to receive notification information about the school and/or school events by:
Please share any suggestions/comments regarding how our junior high school can help parents/families attend campus events and be more engaged in your/your child's (students') education.
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