HELPing Hands Training Registration
This is a registration form for the training(s) held by HELP for Domestic Workers. Due to the venue capacity, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted via whatsapp. 

Ini adalah formulir registrasi untuk pelatihan yang diadakan oleh HELP for Domestic Workers. Karena keterbatasan tempat, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi melalui whatsapp.
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Please note that this name will be used on your certificate.
First Name | Nama Depan *
Please note that this name will be used on your certificate. If you would like to have your middle name initial written down please also include it behind your first name, otherwise it will not be included.
Contact No. (WhatsApp) | Nomor Whatsapp *
Use Hong Kong WhatsApp phone number only, DO NOT add '+' or area code or space in between. We will not consider your registration if you enter the wrong phone number or incorrect format. Sample correct format: 59363780
Age | Usia *
Are you a member of the HELPCircle Community? *
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