MiraCosta's Calendar Project: Finals Week
The Calendar Review Taskforce is considering calendar models that replace our current finals week format (with a 2-hour meeting) with a regular week of instruction. We want to hear more from faculty—full time and associates--in multiple departments about how they would modify their final assessment and what potential trade-offs affecting learning and course completion would arise. 

This survey is not intended to be scientific. This is simply a space for sharing perspectives. 

The survey will remain open through the first weeks of Spring 2024. If you would prefer to speak with curry (the chair of the Calendar Review Taskforce) directly, please email your chair to invite curry to your next department meeting. 
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If MiraCosta decides to eliminate our current finals week format (one 2-hour meeting) and end the semester with a regular week of instruction, how would you modify your final assessment, and what potential trade-offs impacting learning and course completion do you anticipate students will experience?
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