Keep in touch with SEAM
Ahoy there! SEAM is looking for talents like YOU to join us. Whether for a career, internship, freelance or simply to have fun collaborating in our creative projects, we'd like to have you on board.

Just tell us about yourself and our crew will loop you in our communications and send you lots and lots of SPAM! jk
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Email *
First name, last name *
Please.. don't give long2 name with middle name, nick name, glam name, gang nam
Application starts below
Which program are you enrolled in? *
Which faculty are you from? *
What year of study are you in now? *
Example: Foundation Year
What are you studying, why did you take it and do you enjoy it? *
As in at Uni, not on Youtube
I'd like to become a.. *
Our list of current openings or propose a suitable role for yourself at the bottom
I'm interested in.. *
What do you like to do in your free time?
What's the best ever internship monthly allowance at SEAM enough for?
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Instagram @
Optional if you'd like us to check out your netizenship status
You made it! We'll be in touch with you soon..
Mobile Number *
We'll need this to send updates via Whatsapp
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