TAGNW Job Shadow Application
Please review the TAGNW Job Shadow program information at the program web page:

All information collected is confidential and used for the purpose of contacting the applicant and placement in the program.

Please contact Michael Gan, TAGNW Executive Director, with any questions or comments at director@tagnw.org, 360-312-7105, or via the TAGNW Community Hub @Michael Gan.
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Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Discord ID
Please describe your highest level of education.
Degree or Program
Please describe your most recent *or most applicable* employer and role.
Please provide detailed answers to best provide program placement.
What careers are you interested in?
What job roles are you interested in?
What do you like most about the careers and job roles you are interested in?
Any other information you would like to share to help with placement?
I confirm that I have read the TAGNW Job Shadow program information, that I meet program requirements, and I approve TAGNW to use my application information for program purposes. *
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