MODULE 3 TEST 1 Variant 3
Фамилия и Имя *
Группа *
1. Из данных предложений выберите сложносочинённые предложения.
2 points
2. Найдите предложения с усилительной конструкцией.
2 points
3. Назовите русское предложение, эквивалентное предъявленному английскому.
1) We are going to digitize the pictures so that we can upload them to our website.
1 point
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2) It was not until Einstein discovered the connection between gravitation and inertia that the mystery Newton could not understand was solved.
1 point
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3) The principle is still the same, however, sound waves hitting a microphone are then converted onto a record by mechanical or electronic means.
1 point
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4. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящим по смыслу словом.
The user is aware of the effects of different applications programs but operating systems are invisible to most users. They lie between applications programs, such as word processing, and the hardware. The supervisor program is the most important. It remains in memory, ____
1 point
 it is referred to as resident. Others are called non-resident ____
1 point
they are loaded into memory only when needed. Operating systems manage the computer's resources, such as the central processing unit. ____,   they establish a user interface, and execute and provide services for applications software.
1 point
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