15th Annual Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus Summit
The Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus Summit hosted by Representatives Michael McCaul, Mike Kelly, Kathy Castor and Ami Bera. 

Event Timing: September 19th 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM. 
Event Location: Cannon Caucus Room (390), Cannon House Office Building, 27 Independence Avenue Southeast Washington, DC 20003
Question Regarding the Event Contact: Rhett Styles at Rhett.Styles@mail.house.gov or 202-225-2401 with Congressman Michael McCaul's Office. 
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Frequently asked questions
How to get to the Cannon Caucus Room? 

The Cannon House Office building is located at 27 Independence Avenue Southeast, Washington, District of Columbia 20003. The Cannon Caucus Room number is 390. Use the New Jersey Avenue SE Public entrance, take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd floor, and follow the signs to the Cannon Caucus room to the right.

Parking and Transportation near the Cannon House Office Building?

Street and garage parking is limited in the surrounding areas of the Capitol complex. Public transportation and rideshare apps are highly suggested. The Capitol South metro stop is across the street from the Cannon House Office building.

Will there be food and drinks at the event?

Coffee, Water, and a light breakfast will be available during the event.
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