This feedback form is for the new CONNECT website, launched in January 2025. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions.
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Is this your first time visiting  *
If yes, were you aware of OpenAIRE CONNECT before today?
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Have you ever used an OpenAIRE CONNECT Community Gateway?  *
Are you a CONNECT Gateway manager? *
The portal describes the OpenAIRE CONNECT service in a clear way. *
How easy was it to navigate the OpenAIRE CONNECT portal? *
Were you able to find the information you were looking for on the OpenAIRE CONNECT portal? *
Did the OpenAIRE CONNECT portal meet your expectations in terms of content and information?  *
Was there any specific information you were unable to find on the OpenAIRE CONNECT portal?   *
How would you rate the overall design and layout of the OpenAIRE CONNECT portal?  *
Do you have any suggestions for improving the OpenAIRE CONNECT portal?  *
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