Report HERE Weekly
In the Plank Training Club, 💪❤️🙂Your Planks Matter 🙂♥️💪.

🌟 Collectively, we are on mission to 10,000,000 seconds of planking.

Every single one of your forearm planks counts toward that total, only if you submit them.
Thank you for submitting your numbers below.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you committed to helping us add another 1,000,000 seconds?  All you need to do is to track your forearm planks and report here weekly (or as often as you can)
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Are you committed to Daily Planking in 2025?  -- Remember, for this particular Daily challenge, any variation of plank counts.
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Daily Planker CONSISTENCY Badge
Which level of Consistency DID you achieve this past week in your plank training?   2/10 - 2/16
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Which level of Consistency are you choosing to achieve THIS WEEK in your plank training?   2/17 - 2/23
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TEAM Accumulation
Report your numbers to count for the 10,000,000 goal
How many accumulated minutes DID you do last week 2/10 - 2/16  in your forearm plank pose?  (modifications are only allowed for beginners who are unable to hold a full forearm plank hold)
How many accumulated minutes WILL you do this week 2/17 - 2/23  in your forearm plank pose?  COMMIT here.
One Plank.  One Moment.  Once a Day.  Easy to do.  Easy not to do.  What will you do?  What is your planking strategy this week?
I'd love more teaching on ___________.
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your email address?  (Completely Optional in case we have not connected by email yet)
Anything else you want me to know?
💕 Your Future Self is Already Thanking You! 💕
Thank you for submitting your weekly numbers.  
Your thoughtful answers are much appreciated as well!  
Many blessings to you.  

If you left your contact information, I will be in touch soon.  
Make it a GREAT day!
Keep Being Awesome🔥
Awesome Angie Engstrom
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