world champ customer feedback 
It is common knowledge that a rock band is only as good as its data. Help improve world champ's live show by filling out the following brief survey.
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During their performance, how much would you say that world champ "rocked"? *
How many mistakes did world champ appear to make during their performance?
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On the whole, how did you feel about the amount of microphone banter between each song?
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In the face of EDM and AI, how relevant is playing "rock music" in a band?
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How old, on average, do the members of world champ appear to be?
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How appropriate is it for a group of male artists in the above age range to play music in public venues?
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On a scale of 1 (least) to 5 (most), how much would you say you were "feeling" the music of world champ during the show?
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On a scale of 1 (least) to 5 (most), how much would you say the lyrics of world champ spoke directly to your own lived experience?
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Would you recommend world champ to a friend? *
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