AI for eCommerce Sales & Support
eBanqo eCommerce Beta Sign-up Form

Please complete this form (as best as you can) to enable us understand your business better, and prioritize you for the pilot setup.

Sneak peak about the offering:
  • Unify all chats (web, Messenger, Insta DM, WhatsApp, Google Search, Google Maps): Manage everything from one web or mobile interface!
  • AI Chatbots to handle basic tasks: Answer questions, search inventory, track orders, report issues. (More coming soon!)
  • Boost Google & Meta Ads Conversions with ads-to-chat & retargeting.
  • Broadcast updates, offers & promos to customer’s & lead’s preferred messaging apps.
We look forward to being of service.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Name *
Let's get to know your business
Website *
How many locations (or branches) does your business have? *
Please count your online store and your physical locations i.e. if you don't have any physical locations, choose '1'
About how many customers engage with your business monthly? *
Is your business verified on Google Profile (formerly called 'Google My Business')? *
On the average, about how much do you spend monthly on Google / Meta Ads? *
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