Rowan Glen Survey

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Which Rowan Glen yogurt products have you tried? (Select all that apply)

Which Rowan Glen flavours have you tried? (Select all that apply)
Do you have a favourite flavour or product? Or a product you wish Rowan Glen offered?
How satisfied are you with the taste and quality of Rowan Glen Yogurts?
Not Satisfied at All
Extremely Satisfied
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How likely are you to recommend Rowan Glen Yogurts?
Not Likely at All
Extremely Likely
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Where have you bought Rowan Glen Yogurts? (Select all that apply)

What factors influence your decision to purchase yogurt products? (Select all that apply)

10. Where would you like to see Rowan Glen Yogurts available? (Select all that apply)

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for Rowan Glen Yogurts?
Would you like to receive news and updates from Rowan Glen? If yes, please enter your email address below:
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