Community Sign Message Request

Requests must be submitted 7 days before the message is to be displayed. Please do not request messages that are political, inappropriate, or controversial as they will not be approved. This is a Community Sign to promote positive community messages. Thank you for understanding!

Cost:  Message only: $10/day; $25/week; $50/month

Message with PHOTO: $15/day; $30/week; $55/month

FREE to nonprofit groups  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name and Organization *
Phone number *
Message I am requesting: *
Date I would like message to begin displaying: *
Final date I would like message to display: *
I am requesting (please check one) *
When your message request is approved, you will receive a response email saying it has been approved and a reminder to send payment to: 

Camanche Hometown Pride
PO Box 53
Camanche, IA 52730

OR Venmo to: Hometown Pride@CamancheHTP

*Message will be displayed once payment has processed. 
Please leave any questions, comments or concerns you have for our committee regarding the community sign here. Thank you! Camanche HTP Committee
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