Unscripted Project Volunteer Interest Form
Interested in volunteering with the Unscripted Project? Fill out this interest form, and we will reach out with more details!
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Email *
Phone number
Mailing Address
Full Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Unisex T-Shirt Size
The commitment for classroom Unscripted Volunteers is 10 weeks, one hour per week, during the school day. On which day(s) are you interested in volunteering? Select all that apply.
At what time(s) of day are you available to volunteer?
Let us know if you have specific time frames:
Are you interested in volunteering during the Fall semester or Spring semester? Select all that apply.
Are you affiliated with a Philadelphia college or university? If yes, which one?
Are you affiliated with a Philadelphia community theater, improv theater, or comedy club? If yes, which one?
Is there any other information you'd like us to know?
I confirm I will be able to make a 10-week commitment for a mutually-agreed upon time frame
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