Beach School Pupil Questionnaire
As you know, the beach is a really important part of our school and community. We are working with some researchers from Edge Hill University who want to find out how we use the beach here and what experiences you have had.
A research study is a way to find out about what works for different people in different schools. If you decide to be part of this study, you will be asked to complete some simple questions about your beach school lessons and your opinions about these. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. You should be completely honest about what you like or dislike about being on the beach with school.
By taking part in this study, you will be providing valuable information which can help build understanding about using the beach in the future.
When we have finished the study we will write up a report about what we have learned. No one will be named in the report but it will give us helpful information.
You do not have to be involved in this study if you do not want to be. It is your choice to answer the questions or not.