Does he Like Me? (100% Accurate)💕 By LovedIt 
You think he's smart, funny, and generally awesome. But the real question is, does HE think the same of YOU?
The rose-colored glasses can blind us to reality, but there are some signs that not even the most love-struck person will be able to miss. This test will help you identify those signs. Take it now and find out if he likes you!   >  Click here 
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1) Have you ever caught him staring at you?  
5 points
2)  Are you friends?
5 points
3)  How often do you talk?
5 points
4)  Has he ever tried to sit by you, or made an effort to be near you? (Hey, boys TOTALLY do this!)
5 points
5)  Have you ever flirted?
5 points
6)  Has he ever touched you? As in touching your leg, arm, hand, hair, face, etc.?
5 points
7)  Have you ever hugged/kissed or had any physical contact at all?
5 points
8)  OK, Boys can be jealous creatures. Does He ever seem angry if you're flirting with someone else? Or does she 100% ignore you?
5 points
9) How does He react when you start flirting?
5 points
10)  Have you ever complimented hem? And if so, how did he respond?
5 points
11)  Has he ever blushed or pretended he didn't notice you when you walked into a room?
5 points
12)  Has he ever stumbled over her words or said something silly as soon as he sees you?
5 points
13)  After class/lunch, does he often open the door for you, walk out with you or walk you to class?
5 points
14)   Does he face you whenever you're talking?
5 points
15)  How often does he text you first? *
5 points
16)  How often does he offer you to hang out? *
5 points
17)  What is or (would be) him reaction if you asked for help? *
5 points
18) Do you think he is watching you when you are not watching her?
5 points
19) Does he move away when you get too close to her? *
5 points
20)  OK, last question - do YOU think he likes you? Because intuition is usually right.
5 points
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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