Color Catalog Companion Updates
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Please help me decide which Color Catalog Companion to make next by answering the questions below!
Which of these brands of pencils do you own? And please choose your top 5 you would like to see added to the companion, excluding rows marked *, as these are already included)
I own this (Tick all that apply)
Please add to Companion (Top 5)
Prismacolor Premier *
Faber-Castell Polychromos *
Caran D’Ache Luminance *
Black Widow *
Derwent Colorsoft *
Derwent Inktense *
Derwent Artist *
Arteza Expert
Blick Studio
Brutfuner Round 180
Brutfuner Square 120
Caran D’Ache Pablo
Castle Arts
Derwent Chromaflow
Faber-Castell Classic
Lyra Rembrandt
Marco Renoir
Marco Raffine
Spectrum Noir
Staedtler Ergosoft
Tombow Irojiten
OTHER (List below)
Which of these brands of pencils do you own? And please choose your top 5 you would like to see added to the companion, excluding rows marked *, as these are already included)
I own this (Tick all that apply)
Please add to Companion (Top 5)
Copic Sketch Alcohol Markers *
Ohuhu Alcohol Brush Markers (120 set) *
Spectrum Noir Alcohol Markers *
Tombow Dual Brush Pens *
Crayola Super Tips
Winsor & Newton Promarker
Arteza TwiMarker
The Color Catalog Companion already includes the following brands:
Prismacolor Premier Soft-Core Colored Pencils
Faber-Castell Polychromos Colored Pencils
Caran D’Ache Luminance Colored Pencils
Black Widow Colored Pencils
Derwent Colorsoft Colored Pencils
Derwent Inktense Pencils
Derwent Artists Colored Pencils
Copic Sketch Alcohol Markers
Ohuhu Alcohol Brush Markers (120 set)
Spectrum Noir Alcohol Markers
Tombow Dual Brush Pens
Are there any other brands we've missed that you would include in your top 5?
What other media do you use, or would you like to use the Color Catalog for?
Do you currently own the Color Catalog and/or Companion? *
Would you like to get email updates from Sarah Renae Clark, including an email when the Color Catalog Companion is updated? (Sent once a week with freebies, updates from my YouTube channel, and more. Unsubscribe anytime)
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